Michael Meister Yachtconsulting

- more than 40 years practical experience of boatbuilding with wood, GRP and carbon composite technology
- 1972 Master craftsman diploma of joiner
- 1979 Master craftsman diploma of boatbuilder
- more than 30 years experience as a legal Marine Surveyor
- 15 years as Supervisor of the Boat and Shipbuilder Association of Hessen


- experience in the application various materials in the field of boat- and yachtbuilding
- development and construction of multihulls
- development and construction of racing boats
- installation of in- and outboard engine and technical equipment
- experience with vacuum- bonding technology
- expert for LPG gas-systems
- osmose testing with high standard moisture testing device


- German Boat- and Shipbuilder Association Hamburg
- Sailing Club NRV Hamburg

Sailboat racing experience

- competitor in the German Championship
- competitor Kiel- Week
- German official Sailing and Motorboat Licence inshore and offshore
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